Learn the most essential dental mercury facts by using these resources from the IAOMT:

Dental Amalgam Mercury Pollution Harms the Environment

Dental amalgam mercury pollution causes harms the environment because of the use of silver fillings.

Dental Amalgam Danger: Mercury Fillings and Human Health

Dental amalgam danger exists because mercury fillings are associated with a number of human health risks.

Mercury Poisoning Symptoms and Dental Amalgam Fillings

Dental amalgam mercury fillings continuously release vapor and can produce an array of mercury poisoning symptoms.

Mercury Fillings: Dental Amalgam Side Effects and Reactions

Reactions to and side effects of dental amalgam mercury fillings are based on a number of individualized risk factors.

Questioning Dental Amalgam Safety: Myth and Truth

Recognizing the myth and truth about alleged dental amalgam safety helps to demonstrate harm from mercury fillings.

A Comprehensive Review of the Effects Of Mercury in Dental Amalgam Fillings

This detailed 26-page review from the IAOMT includes research about risks to human health and environment from mercury in dental amalgam fillings.

Dental Amalgam Mercury and Multiple Sclerosis (MS): Summary and References

Science has linked mercury as a potential risk factor in multiple sclerosis (MS), and research on this topic includes dental amalgam mercury fillings.

Understanding Risk Assessment for Dental Amalgam Mercury

The subject of risk assessment is essential in the debate over whether dental amalgam mercury is safe for unrestricted use or not.

IAOMT Position Paper against Dental Mercury Amalgam

This thorough document includes an extensive bibliography on the subject of dental mercury in the form of over 900 citations.

Take Action against Dental Amalgam Mercury Fillings

Take action against dental amalgam mercury including educating yourself and getting involved in organized efforts to end its use.

Safe Mercury Amalgam Removal

The IAOMT has created a protocol of safety measures that can mitigate mercury releases during amalgam removal.

Alternatives to Mercury Amalgam Fillings

There are many alternatives to mercury amalgam fillings, but biocompatibility should be considered when selecting a material.

Learn the important fluoride facts by accessing these resources from the IAOMT:

Fluoride Exposure and Human Health Risks

Increased sources of fluoride including water fluoridation, dental materials, and other fluoridated products, are accompanied by increased human health risks.

Fluoride Pollution and Harm to the Environment

Fluoride pollution in the environment harms wildlife and occurs because fluoride is used in water fluoridation, dental products and other items.

Lack of Safety for Fluoride Chemical Summary

There is an alarming lack of safety, efficacy, and ethics for the numerous applications of the chemical fluoride in water and commonly used dental products.

Artificial Water Fluoridation: Understanding the Risks

There are many risks related to artificial water fluoridation including potential health effects, its impact on children, and its interaction with other chemicals.

Fluoride Dangers in Your Dental Products

Fluoride dangers are associated with dental products, such as toothpaste, mouthwash, and floss, as well as other products used in the dental office.

Fluoride Supplements: Healthy or Harmful?

Many dentists prescribe fluoride supplements, also known as tablets, drops, lozenges, rinses, and vitamins, these products are potentially harmful.

Fluoride Toxicity: Exposure, Effects, and Examples

The first sign of fluoride toxicity is dental fluorosis, which is on the rise in the USA. Examples of fluoride toxicity demonstrate its serious threat.

Avoid Fluoride Now: 4 Easy Steps to be Fluoride-Free

Fluoride exposure levels from sources have increased since 1945, so it’s necessary to eliminate & avoid fluoride from all sources.

IAOMT Full Fluoride Position Paper

This document contains over 500 citations & represents the current science regarding the sources, exposure & health effects of fluoride.

Summary of IAOMT Fluoride Position Paper

This slideshow, in PDF format, is a short, easy-to- read summary of the IAOMT’s Fluoride Position Paper.

Sources of Fluoride Exposure Chart

The detailed chart identifies various routes of fluoride exposure from common sources.

Warnings about Fluoride Chart

This chart contains quotes from scientific literature with warnings about fluoride.